Tuesday, April 19, 2011


   Sorry it has Been so long since  I have last posted this is a difficult habit to get into . We moved to a new town South of where we were we are exploring the wide world of tex-mex. How we wound up  here is DH was offered a Union job at a decent starting wage. Originally DD and I were  going to stay in our original home ,but the idea of paying double the rent in this day and age sent chills up my spine. So we are in our new location  and have been settling in to a smaller space. We are currently staying in a  5th wheel travel trailer  with not much storage. we have to drive 25 miles away for a decent  grocery store. Alon with all this DD is going to a new school 1 month before school ends , she seems to enjoy it with some balking on her part daily. We have had her birthday celebration also I made a home baked cake I have not attempted a fully homemade cake since last year's birthday vacation fiasco.   We are still looking to purchace a house and it may even be here for all we know. It is  a quant cute little town with a public pool that has water slides.  so lets see how much summer fun we can have on a budget.  I know one thing we are not leaving out this summer  home msde lemon aid and some sun tea!! It's supposed to be a hot one!!!!! 

        St. Patrick's day this year did not go as planned due to moving so I was not able to make my corned beef and cabbage  with soda bread this year , Last year it had turned out so well too.

   Easter is fast approaching and this year I am thinking old Mr.Cottontail may be bringing some cookies to DD , I wish I would have started this habbit ages ago I know money has basicly been flushed  down the toilet for candy  that is filled with additives and cheap  little plastic toys  for that imfamous baskit . Last year  I know the rabbit went to Target because they carry  more traditional wooden  toys that don't break as easily. I know for a fact that ellusive Mr. Clause shopped there last year qand there is a yo-yo still hanging around the house, and  it's not tore up at all.

 Mine and Dh's 6 month wedding anniversary is coming up  next month who knows what we will figure out.

Kind Regards,